In the charming small town of Salvation, Kevin Tarrant finds the man of his dreams, ranch foreman, Bo Hopkins. Sparks fly, but Bo's guarded past keeps him tight-lipped, leading to a misunderstanding that tears them apart for three agonizing years.
Bo, used to being an outsider, feels a connection with Kevin, another outsider. Now, Bo is ready to take a chance, but when danger threatens their newfound love, will he throw it all away again?
Will Bo risk his guarded heart for a second chance at love? Can they build a future together, or will prejudice tear them apart?
This heartwarming story explores the love of family, both the one you're born into and the one you create along the way. It's a tale of second chances, the power of vulnerability, and the courage it takes to fight for the love you deserve.
Dive into Salvation today and discover the healing power of love and belonging!
This is a contemporary cowboy romance between two men for whom family and friends mean everything. It is part of my Lovers and Other Strangers series but can be read as a stand alone. The other books in the series feature M/F relationships but family plays a huge part in those too.