What do you get when you pick up a Lisette (LC) Giroux book?
My tagline for my author brand has always been Smart | Sexy | Fun. I still have business cards with one of those words on them and I would give them out at reader events, letting people pick the word they most wanted to be. One guess which cards I have the least of? Sexy was the most requested by a mile.
If you read any of my work regardless of subgenre Smart | Sexy | Fun is what you are going to get.
Smart because I can’t stand the TSTL (too stupid to live) nonesense of the romance heroines I grew up with. But just because they are smart doesn’t mean they don’t do bone-headed things. Smart people are not immune to shenanigans when it comes to rationalizing what they want and still trying to protect their hearts.
Sexy because, well, I read it so I like writing it. My main characters aren’t just looking for a forever partner they want a lover too. I mean isn’t that true for most of us?
And Fun, almost all of my books have some elements of humor in them. Yes, even the Romantic Suspense and the Regencies. Life is full of moments that make you laugh out loud, even when things are bleak, even when things are too serious– Maybe especially then!
So poke around, Sign up for the email list because I love being able to give stuff away, read a few excerpts. Here’s hoping your life is full of Smart | Sexy | Fun moments!